Keep Active With Jackson Rowe for Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

15 May 2024

This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week highlights the importance of physical activity in promoting mental wellbeing. A message especially important for the construction industry, where the demanding nature of work, long hours and high stress levels frequently lead to mental health challenges.


Proven to reduce anxiety and depression, regular exercise helps alleviate stress and prevent burnout by releasing endorphins, often referred to as the ‘happy hormones’. Whether it is everyday activities like walking or cleaning, or more intense workouts such as running, swimming, or playing sports, every kind of movement is beneficial.


Jackson Rowe’s Mental Health First Aider, Director Sandy Barnes reminded us that any amount of movement positively impacts our mental and physical health. She encourages us to take breaks from our desks and incorporate movement into our daily activities to benefit both body and mind.


