Jackson Rowe prepare detailed documents including statement of claims, executive summaries, pleadings, Scott schedules, factual reports, expert and joint expert reports. We give advice and assist clients through the interlocutory process of preliminary meetings and hearings.
Jackson Rowe are experienced in all aspects of arbitration proceedings for construction and property related disputes whether acting for the claimant or respondent.
At Jackson Rowe, we pride ourselves on giving good clear advice as to the merits, or otherwise, of a case and to utilise our skills for dispute resolution.
We are able to offer sound, decisive commercial advice to clients and have extensive experience in the field of dispute resolution acting on behalf of both claimants and respondents/defendants in arbitration, litigation, mediation and adjudication proceedings. We have extensive dealings with the construction legal profession and are well respected within the industry. We are well versed in dealing with all aspects of arbitration proceedings, briefing clients, solicitors, counsel and have been advising and acting for parties at preliminary and interlocutory meetings.
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